London, United Kingdom
    Male', Maldives

    Customs Information

    Customs Information

    Prohibited Items

    It is prohibited for tourists to bring firearms, alcoholic beverages, pork products, pornography and idols of worship into the Maldives. Additionally, strict penalties apply to those attempting to bring illegal drugs into the country. Alcohol and pork products are only available on resort islands under a special license.



    Most medication can be carried with you when entering the Maldives provided that you show a doctor's prescription, and  the amount you are carrying does not exceed your requirements for the duration of your stay in the Maldives.

    However, as regulations occasionally change, please check with the Customs Service that your medication is permitted in the Maldives.


    Photography and Diving Equipment

    If you are bringing in a lot of photographic or diving equipment it is advisable to inform your resort of the details prior to your arrival. Otherwise provide a list with details about the equipment (serial numbers and so forth), to avoid delay at the airport upon arrival.

    Any items left behind will be liable for import duty.


    Customs Service

    For further clarification on what items can be brought into the Maldives, please contact the Maldives Customs Service:

    Maldives Customs Service
    Boduthakurufaanu Magu
    Maafannu, Male'

    Telephone: 00960 3322001
    Fax: 00960 3322633
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    © 2020 High commission of the Republic of Maldives. All Rights Reserved.
